Fines for solidarity with political prisoners
11- 12.05.2010, 16:44
Oppostionists who were detained after the trial over Mikalai Autukhovich, were seriously fined on May 12.
Today in the court of Leninski district of Minsk democratic activists detained after the process of Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka and Mikhail Kazou for a rally of solidarity with political prisoners stood trial.
The trial over Alyaksandr Kazulin was presided by judge Mikhail Khama. About 20 persons came to support the former presidential candidate and political prisoner.
As informed by "Radio Svaboda", Alyaksandr Kazulin was fined 700,000 Br (20 basic units).
During the session of the court policemen sergeant-major Dzmitry Chavushau and sergeant Viktar Lyashkevich who detained Kazulin made their statemements.
They stated that Kazulin was going away from the building of the court, used foul language, expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of the court and its decision. Besides, as said by policemen, Alyaksandr Kazulin used obscene words cursing them. Policemen allegedly made a remark to him, but the politician ignored them, and after that Kazulin was detained and taken to a police bus. The witnesses testimony was jumbles however.
As said by Chavushau, Alyaksandr Kazulin was admonished near the Museum of Artsand then taken to the bus. As said by Chavushau, he was in a camouflage police uniform with words "task force" on it.
The second policeman stated that Kazulin was stopped and the first remark to him was made before KIrov Street, near a crossing, that is much closer to the biulding of the court. As said by Lyashkevich, he had a black police uniform on, and it was written "Police" on it, which contradicts the words of the first policeman.
A. Kazulin stated that he had not been insulting anyone, he was not shouting. When he left the court, people in the street were chating "Freedom!"
He was stopped in Karl Marx Street by policemen, detained ans taken to the police bus immediately. Ales Makaeu, Mikola Dzemidzenka and Uladzimir Yaromenka were detained with him. Dzemidzenka was beaten in the bus.
Today young activists Mikalai Dzemidzenka, Uladzimir Yaromenka and the leader of entrepreneurs Ales Makaeu have been fined 525,000 Br (15 basic units) each.

Alyaksandr Kazulin

Ales Makaeu