17 March 2025, Monday, 0:16
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A human rights activist detained for demands to examine Lukashenka psychiatrically


After detention Katsyaryna Sadouskaya was taken bad, an ambulance was called in to the police department for her.

As dozens of other human rights activists, politicians and public leaders, Katsyaryna Sadouskaya came to the court today when the verdict was top be announced to the political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladizmir Asipenka. The woman came near the Supreme Court with a little poster. It was written on ot: "I demand Alyaksandr Lukashenka's psychiatric examination".

As a human rights activist Raisa Mikhajlouskaya told to charter97.orgwebsite, Sadouskaya was detained and taken to the police department of Leninski district of Minsk. There the woman was taken bad, and an ambulance was called in.

We remind that other detained oppositionists are also kept in the police department of Leninski district of Minsk. They are Alyaksandr Kazulin, Artur Finkevich, Mikalai Dzemidzenka, Alyaksandr Makaeu.

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