15 March 2025, Saturday, 11:03
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Lukashenka fears investigation of cases of the disappeared (Photo, video, updated)

Lukashenka fears investigation of cases of the disappeared (Photo, video, updated)

Hundreds of Minsk dwellers gathered for the rally “We demand international investigation of the cases of the abducted!” on August 16. The peaceful rally ended with arrests.

The rally under the slogan “We demand international investigation of the cases of the abducted!” started at 6 p.m. near the Academy of Sciences. More than 200 persons gathered with portraits of the abducted Belarusians – vice speaker of the Supreme Council Viktar Hanchar, former interior minister Yury Zakharanka, businessman and public figure Anatol Krasouski and journalist Zmitser Zavadski. Protesters were standing along the traffic area of Independence Avenue.

Among the participants of the rally are leader of “European Belarus” campaign Andrei Sannikov, head of Minsk branch of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Viktar Ivashkevich, leader of “Tell the Truth!” campaign Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, chairman of the United Civil Party Anatol Lyabedzka, one of the leaders of the BPF party Ales Mekh, head of Belarus Free Theatre Mikalai Khalezin, a prominent journalist Iryna Khalip, and her father, film director Uladzimir Khalip, leader of the Council of Belarusian Intellectuals Uladzimir Kolas, youth leaders Paval Yukhnevich, Maxim Vinyarski, Yauhen Afnagel, Mikola Dzemidzenka and others.

Policemen warned those present through a megaphone that the rally was allegedly unsanctioned, though standing in the street with portraits does not violate any laws. All who were coming in the direction of the Academy of Sciences, were searched by policemen in plainclothes, and their bags and rucksacks were frisked.

However, the rally attracts many passers-by, more than hundred persons stand on the opposite side of the street and observe the rally. Cars passing by honk as a sign of solidarity with participants of the rally.

But many people could not join the rally. At 6 p.m. sharp policemen stopped allowing people to go

In half an hour people started to disband, however youth leaders who had applied for holding the rally to Minsk city executive committee, were attacked by policemen in mufti. Yauhen Afnagel, “European Belarus” activist, was the first attacked. Then policemen tried to detain one of the leaders of “European Belarus” Paval Yukhnevich. Participants of the rally managed to defend the youth leader. They encircled a police major who ordered to arrest the activist and chant “Long live Belarus!” Still, Yukhnevich was detained later, after the crowd dispersed.

Activists of “European Belarus” Maxim Serhiyets and Andrei Mouchan were arrested as well. At the moment, Afnagel, Yukhnevich, Serhiyets and Mouchan stay in the police department of Pershamajski district of Minsk.

Representatives of embassies of the US, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, the Czech Republic and other countries of the European Union were watching the rally “We demand international investigation”.

Participants of the rally demanded to carry out international investigation of abductions and assassinations in Belarus n 1999-2000 of former Interior Minister Yury Zakharanka, vice speaker of the Supreme Council Viktar Hanchar, businessman and public figure Anatol Krasouski and journalist Zmitser Zavadski.

P.S. During the rally a journalist of charter97.org website Natalya Radzina asked riot policemen in plainclothes who were on duty at the rally near the Academy of Sciences whether they had watched the film “Godbatka” on NTV channel the day before. Riot policemen said in a low voice: “We haven’t watched it yet, but we have it on a USB flash drive”. And then sighed and added: “It’s our job – to defend Godfather...”

Video by Nasha Niva

Photo by Radio Svaboda

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