14 March 2025, Friday, 22:52
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“Die Presse”: Belarusian “psychopath” Lukashenka


Some people, perhaps, and earlier suspected that Lukashenka had such a diagnose, but they never dared to speak loudly about it.

On Sunday evening the Russian state TV channel NTV showed the third part of the documental film “Krestny batka”. In this film the Belarusian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka appeared as “power-loving anti-Russian betrayer and was called a “psychopath”. “Some people, perhaps, and earlier suspected ... [by Lukashenka] such a diagnose, but they never dared to speak loudly about it”, - an influential Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” reports.

Despite the fact that the film fall victim to the censorship on Belarusian TV, more than two million Belarusians watched it in Internet, representatives of the local opposition state. The authors of the investigation bring “serious accusations” against Lukashenka: that his clan “dominates over the country”, and the president himself is “involved into the case of disappearance of a number of oppositionists”. All this is accompanied by “infamous” video (“Lukashenka in green swimming trunks at the beach in friendly Venezuela”), the evidence of a psychologist and even – “as an exception”, the author of the article writes, - citing Western mass media, who called Lukashenka “Europe’s last dictator”.

The observer of “Die Presse” concludes that the relationship between Moscow and Minsk are “bad, very bad”: “When it comes to a criticism of the younger brother-betrayer who hardly yields to any upbringing, the Kremlin is not ashamed to speak straight from the shoulder any more. Moreover, the presidential election is to take place in Belarus in winter of 2010”.

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