14 March 2025, Friday, 22:59
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Sannikov: Russia sends signals that it won’t deal with Lukashenka


And it is up to the Belarusian nation who would become the new president of Belarus.

It has been stated in an interview to BelaPAN by the leader of “European Belarus” campaign, a candidate for presidency in Belarus Andrei Sannikov. Radio Svaboda offers citations from the interview of the politician.

“The situation in Belarus is getting increasingly clearer with every day: there will be changes, and everything should be done to hasten these changes. Some actions of our today’s oppositional politicians are fitting in this logic, and some are just imitating that.

Now not imitation of activities is necessary for us, but activity. Coordination of activities is a key word, and it is to happen between headquarters of real candidates, and not of those who pretend to be ones. Meetings between contenders are already taking place. I can give both positive and negative examples of such meetings.

Let’s take the manifesto on defense of national interests issued by the Belarusian Popular Front party, for instance. I talked to Ryhor Kostuseu the day before, and warned that such a policy would be unacceptable for me and destructive for the situation in Belarus. Probably this conversation provoked issuing of the manifesto.

Now we must be engaged in real politics, departing from stereotypes which existed. We should not say that we have other opponents except Lukashenka. We should concentrate on how to bring near the changes. They are possible, realistic and will happen, even within half a year.

To my mind, Russia has changed its position and sends clear signals that it won’t deal with Lukashenka, and only with the new leadership of Belarus. And it depends on us, the nation of Belarus, what kind of leadership it would be.

Personally I will rely on the nation of Belarus. It is not just grey mass; they are also activists of the democratic movement, officials, business circles. Now a good and very serious discussion about the future of Belarus is carried out, which is welcomed by me.

I consider Alyaksandr Kazulin, Syarhei Kalyakin to be strong political figures. Unfortunately, they won’t take part I the presidential campaign as candidates. However, I find it useful to have discussion with them. Others could be judged differently, I think. I welcome their efforts, but they should see their chances in a realistic light.”

Speaking about the situation with a single candidate, Andrei Sannikov drew an analogy with the previous elections. “Then efforts of party structures finished after he was chosen. And only right before the elections little stir started. The approach was like that: we have signed something, and now we can do no work,” the politician said.

Andrei Sannikov and his representatives have not joined agreements on working partnership during the election campaign which was signed on August 24 by Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, leader of “Tell the Truth!” campaign, chairmen of the Belarusian Leftist party “Fair World” Syarhei Kalyakin, of the United Civil Party Anatol Lyabedzka and the Belarusian Popular Front Alyaksei Yanukevich, the leader of the “European coalition” Mikalai Statkevich, the leader of the organizing committee for creation of the “Belarusian Christian Democracy party Vital Rymasheuski and the Party of Women “Nadzeja” Alena Yaskova.

The document envisages joint nomination of representatives to election commissions, election observation, and creation of internal and external pressure on the regime, urging to join protest actions.

As said by Sannikov, the agreement was signed by “different subjects, some of them are small ones, and they are unlikely to do the things written there”. “I do not want to give a right to speak on behalf of me then to those who had signed this document. Me personally or representatives of my team will make statements which we would find necessary,” he said.

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