7 March 2025, Friday, 5:31
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“Nasha Niva” is having legal proceedings with the Ministry of Information


The newspaper disproves two warnings of the Minister of Information for the issue containing information about “Godbatka” (Godfather) film in the Highest Economic Court.

Chief Editor of “Nasha Niva” Andrei Skurko, an expert linguist- candidate of philological sciences Nadzezhda Shakun and witnesses-the readers of the newspaper, who did not manage to buy the issue in the newsstand, will appear in court.

In the warning of July, 22, the Ministry of Information accused the newspaper in distributing information that does not correspond to reality. The reason of sanctions was the title “Godbatka confiscated”(“Nasha Niva” № 26). “According to Article 244 of Civil Code of RB, confiscation is the seizure of property without paying to its owner in a form of sanctions for a committed crime or other law violation”. Meanwhile, printed copies of “Nasha Niva”, according to information of RUP “BelSayuzDruk”, was directed for realization”, - the Ministry of Information reported.

The second warning was of July, 26, concerning the article “BRSM advertises “Godbatka” film, published in “Nasha Niva” № 25. “According to information of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, its activists organized an action the content of which was not an advertisement of the above mentioned film on July, 6 in Minsk “– the letter said. Accordingly, one considered in the Ministry of Information, “the published information does not correspond to reality and the image of the legal entity is to be dishonored”.

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