4 May 2024, Saturday, 2:38
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European Parliament: Police dictatorial regime under Europe’s nose

European Parliament: Police dictatorial regime under Europe’s nose

Applying pressure on Lukashenka’s police dictatorial regime must be continued, because harassment of opponents of the authorities has recently begun to take unhealthy shape.

This opinion was expressed by members of the European Parliament at a joint meeting of the EU Committees on Foreign Affairs and human rights issues in Brussels, Radio Svaboda reports.

While Europe is concerned about the events in the Arab world, where dictators are losing their power, the police dictatorial regime reigns in neighouring Belarus under Europe’s nose, French Professor of international law and OSCE rapporteur on Belarus Emmanuel Decaux said.

Decaux thinks that the only way out for Belarus, which continues to fall to authoritarian rule, can be fundamental reforms. The future of the state is in distribution of power, respect for human rights and fair independent judicial system, he believes.

MEP Jacek Protasiewicz says there are signs of mental disorder of the Belarusian authorities seen in the recent persecution and arrests.

“We watch moving in the opposite directions from democratic standards in Belarus. Reaction of the authorities comes to absurd and paranoia. People are being arrested for walking on streets. They do not chant, do not protest do not have slogans, they just walk in public places. They are being arrested for this and thrown in jail for some days.”

The Polish MEP called not to weaken international pressure on Lukashenka’s regime, because this can contribute to the release and rehabilitation of hundreds of political prisoners.

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