Russia demands Lukashenka to return $1.5 billion of duties
274- 29.10.2012, 12:26

Russia suggested that Belarus voluntarily compensates $1.5 billion for exporting duty-free solvents.
A source from the state governing bodies told that to the Prime new-agency.
“Russia suggested that Belarus returns the duties, unpaid by the country for exporting solvents, thinners, lubricants etc.”, - the agency’s interlocutor told.
Belarus and Russia continue the talks over the conditions of the oil shipments to Belarus in the IV quarter of the current year and in 2013. At the end of the previous week there were negotiations held in Moscow with the participation of the first vice-Premier Minister of the Belarus’ government Uladzimir Siamashka and the deputy minister of Economy Anatol Filonau.
The issues of meeting the indicative balance of Russian oil shipments this year and balance shipment in 2013 were discussed. The parties couldn’t solve the pressing issues for far.
Russian officials repeatedly expressed their concern with the option that Belarus can export oil products marketing them as solvents and thinners in order to avoid paying export duties to the Russian budget. In mid-September Belarusian Prime Minister Mikhail Miasnikovich announced that the export of solvent and thinner was completely stopped from the country more than a month before in order to eliminate the mistrust on the part of the Russian partners.
In 2012 Belarus receives duty-free oil and oil products from Russia. At the same time it pays 100% export duties on the oil products made from Russian raw materials to the Russian budget, if the products are exported outside the Customs Union. Solvents, thinners and lubricants are not included in the list of the oil products, which a subject for an export duty, whereas the export duty on petrol in 90% of the export duty on oil.
The Russian part believes that Belarus, having increased the procurement of Russian oil products, exported petrol to European markets disguising it as solvents. According to unofficial estimations the loss of the Russian budget in 2012 was $2 billion due to the dubious export of solvents and thinner from Belarus.