28 September 2024, Saturday, 16:37
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Mikalai Dzyadok thrown into punishment cell for seventh time

Mikalai Dzyadok thrown into punishment cell for seventh time

Anarchist Mikalai Dzyadok was thrown into a punishment cell for six days allegedly for improper cell cleanup.

For the same reason he was deprived of one parcel scheduled for May. Now, he is allowed to receive a parcel only in autumn, Radio Svaboda reports.

Mikalai Dzyadok was allowed to have four 30-kg food parcels a year. He was already deprived of a parcel in October.

Mikalai Dzyadok was convicted in the anarchists case together with Ihar Alinevich and Alyaksandr Frantskevich on May 27, 2011. They were accused of organizing a rally near the Defence Ministry building, attack on Shangri La casino and detention centre in Akrestsin Street, arson of the doors of Belarusbank office, attack on the Russian embassy.

Dzyadok was sentenced to 4.5 years in a medium security penal colony. He serves his term in penal colony No. 15 in Mahilou. He got married in prison.

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