22 December 2024, Sunday, 22:06
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A bank account to help Anton Suryapin is opened

A bank account to help Anton Suryapin is opened

Parents of the detained journalist need to pay lawyer services.

"Belarusian Association of Journalists" calls for help the family of Anton Suryapin. The money from the open account will be used to pay for lawyer services and the parcels to the journalist, informs "Solidarnast’".

An account is opened on the name of Anton Suryapin’s Mother of  in the department of Belagroprombank:

Bank code 921, the account number 32,102,084, Slutsk department of Belagroprombank, Suryapina Elena Nikolayevna

Money can be transferred to the account in any branch of the Belarusian bank.

Recall, Anton Suryapin was the first one who posted in the internet pictures of teddy bears, dropped on July 4 over the Ivyanets city and Minsk by a Swedish aircraft. On July 13 the journalist was arrested. He is suspected of aiding the illegal border crossing. Suryapin faces up to seven years in prison.

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