21 September 2024, Saturday, 3:53
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Belaya Rus activists mourn on order

Activists of Belaya Rus were one of the first to come express their condolences due to Hugo Chavez’s death to the Venezuela’s embassy in Minsk.

Although not all of them came to the embassy of their own free will, BelaPAN reports.

For example, one of the activists of the pro-Lukashenka public association noted that he “did not know what brought him” to the mourning event. The young man stated that he and other participants of the event “were told to bring a flower and a candle” to the embassy. Another one could not clearly explain the reasons of his presence at the action either having referred to the “inability to respond to such questions”.

The Venezuelan ruler died on 5 March at 16.25 local time. His deputy Nicolas Madura reported about it. Presidential elections must take place in Venezuela within a month.

Belarus has officially joined the mourning events due to Hugo Chavez’s death.

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