21 September 2024, Saturday, 3:55
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Smalyavichy dweller sentenced to 15 days’ arrest for “Freedom to political prisoners” T-shirt

Smalyavichy dweller sentenced to 15 days’ arrest for “Freedom to political prisoners” T-shirt

An activist and distributor of independent newspapers from Smalyavichy, Andrei Kasheuski, was detained back on October 9.

He walked past the Central department store in Minsk in a T-shirt with the words “Freedom to political prisoners!” and the list of their names. After three reports on administrative offenses were drawn up (Article 17.1 (“petty hooliganism”), Article 23.34 (“unsanctioned mass event”), and Article 23.4 (“insubordination to legal demands of police”), he was left in the police department before the trial, “Viasna” human rights centre reports.

On October 10 at the court of Savetski district of Minsk judge Eduard Yakubouski passed a decision to arrest the activist for 15 days. Protesting against the unjust court ruling, Andrei Kasheuski started a silent protest.

It is the third administrative case against Kasheuski this year.

Photo: nn.by

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