21 September 2024, Saturday, 3:52
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Charter 97!

Belarusian border guards built new checkpoints at Ukrainian border

Belarusian border guards built new checkpoints at Ukrainian border

Belarusian border guards have established new checkpoints at Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

Passing to Ukraine through border entry points is limited.

It has been stated by one of the readers of charter97.org website.

“Today on April 22, 2014 I tried to get to the village of Paddabryanka (Poddobryanka), where the checkpoint with facilitated procedure of border crossing is situated. A roadblock has been put up 7 kilometres from this village, near the village of Grabouka. Documents are checked and cars with no fee for driving across border area paid, are not allowed to pass,” he writes.

The checkpoint with a facilitated procedure of crossing the border, Paddabryanka, is situated at the territory of Homel region.

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