21 September 2024, Saturday, 3:53
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Ihar Alijenievich: Shadow of Crimea occupation will fall on the US prestige

Ihar Alijenievich: Shadow of Crimea occupation will fall on the US prestige

Non-observation of the Budapest memorandum will affect the respect to its guarantors.

A Belarusian political prisoner Ihar Alijenievich has sent a letter from the penal colony. He told that he got used to regular punishments with a penal cell. The activist did not mention what for he was punished the latest time, Radio Svaboda reports. “He avoids explaining the reasons”, - said the mother of the political prisoner. Valancina Alijenievich quoted a part of the son’s letter on the events in Ukraine:

“I am actively following the Ukrainian topic in media. I get surprised by the experts, whose predictions get fulfilled right in the opposite way. I agree that Russia has gone too far. Not only has international law been violated, but also the special agreements of the 90-ies. The USA has no choice, this will cast a shadow on its authority. I assume, everything will be done via economy, publicly. After that the question will arise, what happens to Russia itself? Putin’s rating has blown out of proportions, bit this is what will destroy him. There is only one step from love to hatred. What is the most important now is how Ukrainians will hold on, how deeply it all reaches”, - he wrote.

Activists of the anarchist movement were detained in September 2010 for participating in protest manifestations, which court qualified as attacks on official buildings. The young men were sentenced to long-term imprisonments, having accused of arranging a number of political events, including an attack at the embassy of Russia in Minsk in August 2010.

Ihar Alijenievich was sentenced to the longest term of 8 years, he is serving the punishment in a penal colony in Navapolatsk.

In early 2013 his book “Going to Magadan” was published, based on his diary, written in the KGB “Americanka” prison.

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