2 May 2024, Thursday, 1:16
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Charter 97!

Activists pay tribute to victims of Stalin's purges near Kopyl


The event was closely watched by the police and traffic police.

Charter97.org learnt it from the organising committee to form the Belarusian Christian Democracy party.

On March 14, activists from Minsk, Kopyl, Slutsk and Salihorsk held a picket on occasion of the Day of Constitution and visited the monument of victims of political repression of 1929-1938 in the village of Charnahubava of the Kopyl district.

The event didn't come unnoticed by the police. Uladzimir Shyla, who took Kopyl-based coordinator of the BCD organising committee Viktar Dashkevich home, says their car was followed by a traffic police car from Charnahubava to Kopyl. “It wasn't proper behaviour of the police. The authorities insist we should live within our means, but the police spend money of tax-payers on absolutely unnecessary escorts,” he noted.

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