1 May 2024, Wednesday, 3:37
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Nyaklyayew: We agreed upon - only Tell the Truth to be financed

Nyaklyayew: We agreed upon - only Tell the Truth to be financed

Uladzimir Nyaklyayew, the former leader of the Tell the Truth campaign, told about financing of his electoral campaign in 2010 and stated he was ready to call for a dialogue with Lukashenka's regime.

- In Belarus we can do nothing worthwhile without dialogue in society. No external forces can help us, Nyaklyayew told in his interview to Euroradio. - If someone considers it cooperation with the government, let it be. But it is work with the government. And sooner or later the government ought to have it done. I think it is high time for it before elections.

If Lukashenka does not want to talk to me, so let him release Statkevich and talk to him. Let him talk to anyone, it is wrong when a person is imprisoned and Lukashenka despises those who are ready to sacrifice their lives for Belarus. Does he think that NATO troops will fight for Belarus? No! Such people as Statkevich, Lobau, Dashkevich will fight for Belarus... But they are put in prison and in the "fifth column", and treated as if they are thugs. In this case we won't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I would like everything to be civilized. Policy is a fake and dirty affair; however, people are engaged in it. But people can make arrangements, when they feel responsible for their homeland. And I do not think my displacement from the opposition was due to the fact that I could be a bridge between the government and the opposition.

- You have mentioned "my displacement from the opposition" - how and why did it happen?

- First, I was in the way in the opposition. During elections in 2010 they were trying to push me out of the field. Even then I wanted to unite the opposition. However, I wanted to do it...by a strong-willed method. We accumulated all funds in the Tell the Truth campaign. We agreed with people who contributed to the financing of the campaign not to assist anyone with money. And the whole point of this campaign was a strong-willed united opposition. But the government made a few steps forward, having allowed everyone to hand over "phone books" and be registered as candidates. They say some "experts" from Moscow came up with trick, but now it does not matter: it was strong and it ruined all plans for elections of 2010.

- It was always interesting: did you consider enemies the agents of special services who were in your structure and whom, in your words, you even knew about?

–For 20 years special services have been working with the opposition and it is evident that 95% of those they started a work with, have been recruited. It means that most of those they wanted to recruit were recruited. It is a common scenario. How to deal with it? When we noticed a chip in my computer which allowed scanning all the information, we, of course, said good bye to the person. In other case... It is better to know what it is and take appropriate measures. I do not know who inserted chips into my computer when that person left! It is a pity...

I'm joking, but it's a very difficult problem for me, my father was constantly made denunciations on. It was neighbours, friends, drinking together... They tried to recruit me, even persuaded me, and then tried to break my will. But in such moments I remembered my father, his cries and curses after each denunciation! It takes me huge efforts to put up with such people. To be silent when you guess or even when know... Indeed, any dirt you make public cannot totally play in your favour. What would the public media write the next day if I said that this or that person was a secret officer or traitor?

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