17 September 2024, Tuesday, 12:40
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Rubtsova visits her husband in the remand prison

Rubtsova visits her husband in the remand prison
Yury Rubtsou
Photo by Radio Svaboda

On June 3 Yadviha Rubtsova, political prisoner Yury Rubtsou's wife, visited him, now he is in the remand prison No. 6 of Baranavichy.

This is the first date with her husband after the trial when he was found guilty of evasion of serving punishment (Article 415 of the Criminal Code) and sentenced to two years in the general regime penal colony concerning valid term, HRC Viasna informs.

- First I addressed Pruzhany court and the judge Mikalai Rapikha allowed the meeting. That day I arrived in Baranavichy and wrote a new statement to the chief of the remand prison for another date with my husband. It happened that day and lasted from 2 to 4 pm, we were talking on the phone and though the glass. Yury says he is doing well after the discontinuation of a hunger strike, also he is getting ready to file an appeal against the unjust sentence in the Brest Regional Court, Yadviha Rubtsova said.

She expressed sincere thanks to the Baranavichy human rights activists and activists for legal and an organization's aid in organizing of her date with the husband.

It should be reminded that on October 6, 2014 the Central District Court of Minsk sentenced 53-year-old Yury Rubtsou to two and a half years of imprisonment in an open type institution (OTI), but with amnesty the real term reduced to 18 months. Yury Rubtsou was accused of insulting the judge Kiryl Palulekh who dealt with the administrative case (Art. 391 CC) after Charnobylski Chliakh (Chernobyl way) rally of April 28, 2014 in Minsk.

Serving punishment in the OTI in Kuplin village, the convicted refused to work because of low wages. Rubtsou required a job with a country's average salary of $600. It became the grounds for a new criminal case.

On May 28 judge Mikalai Rapikha, Pruzhany District Court, sentenced Homel activist to two years in general regime penal colony.

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