Mikalai Dziadok's father: The colony administration tries to suppress my son
- 7.07.2015, 13:04
- 5,923
Without explaining the political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok is placed in a Ward-type Room (WTR) and denied a meeting with lawyer. All requirements are left with no answer.
His father Aliaksandr Dziadok told charter97.org about it. On June he received a short letter of his son.
- It is known that Mikalai was denied the meeting with the lawyer scheduled on July 2. Has the situation changed since that time?
- No. Moreover, the lawyer was not allowed to Mikalai, because he allegedly had not written about it beforehand. But we managed to get a short letter from Mikalai. He wrote it before he was repeatedly placed in the punitive confinement. There he says he wrote the statement, even two times, and specified dates. And he asked for a particular time for the meeting with the lawyer. It was written on June 30, therefore, the colony administration knew about it.
In other words, the administration lied and that was a fake reason for refusal.
- It is also known that on the day of the refusal Mikalai was in the WTR. Is this another punishment on the part of the administration?
- Yes, he was in the Ward-type Room. Anyway, the administration said that. But they did not specify the reason and the date. The lawyer was not provided with the information.
- How is Mikalai now taking into consideration the continued presence in a punitive confinement?
- In the end of June he was good, as the lawyer said. Almost all the time he spent incarcerated.
- Not it is very hot and it is hard to be even in comfortable conditions. Have confinement conditions changed?
- We do not know and it raises a big concern. Almost a week passed since he had been denied the lawyer. The last time Mikalai met his lawyer on June 30. Since that time Mikalai's father has had information neither about his son not his confinement conditions.
- Does the administration comment on it?
- No, what is more: we, Mikalai's relatives, addressed to the Department of Corrections of Belarus. The lawyer addressed his complaint to the chief of the colony, prosecutor of Horki district, the Department of Corrections of Mahileu district - no information received. In other words, we did our best in accordance with the Belarusian legislation, but no answer is given.
- What do you think is a reason for a total silence?
- It is hard to say, it will be just my guesses. But it is clear that the objective is to suppress Mikalai. I see no other reason.
It should be reminded that Mikalai Dziadok has served 4.5 years in prison for alleged hooligan actions against official buildings and had to be released on March 3, 2015. On February 26 Leninsky District Court of Mahileu sentenced him to an additional year of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony under Article 411 CC. On April 30 the court of cassation left this sentence in force.
On May 12 Mikalai Dziadok was transferred to colony IK-9 in Horki. On the second day, May 13, he was incarcerated and spent there 5 days. A day later, May 19, he was repeatedly incarcerated.