23 March 2025, Sunday, 11:17
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Guards Asked Man To Take Off T-shirt With “Pahonia” – Result Was Unexpected

The incident occurred at the festival “Kupalskae Kola” near Minsk.

One of the visitors of the festival “Kupalskae Kola” was asked by the guards to take off his T-shirt with the emblem of “Pahonia.” The guards did not anticipate the further development of events, Belsat reports.

When the guy took off his T-shirt with the ancient symbol, it turned out that he had a “Pahonia” tattoo on the body, as well as a tattoo with the Belarusian national ornament. The guards had to let the Belarusian patriot pass to the festival.

The festival “Kupalskae Kola” is held in Kamarova near Minsk.

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