Russian Tankmen: We Came to Visit Your Lukashenka
149- 8.06.2016, 8:54
- 34,457
Journalists visited the camp of the 28th brigade of Russia in Klintsy near the Belarusian border.
During the last week the information about redeployment of the 28th separate motorized rifle brigade of the Armed Forces of Russia from the Ural to Klintsy (a small town 40 km away from the Belarusian border and 120 km far from Homel) did not subside. It is known that officers had a significant combat experience in a number of campaigns: from the Second Chechen War to Tskhinvali and Syria. Tanks, BM-21 "Grad" and a few thousands of soldiers are 40 km away from Belarus. What can it result into?

Correspondent of Radio Svaboda visited the camp in Klintsy.
The author of the investigation on Informnapalm Dzyanis Ivashyn is sure that the army locates along the border with Belarus precisely. The highway Homel - Bryansk, and the railway Homel - Unecha go through Klintsy, Ukraine has no such transport connection here.
Ivashyn reminds that mass invasion is not necessary to destabilize the situation in a separate region, Crimea is a good example. It is alarming that soldiers of the 28th separate motorized rifle brigade were mentioned in the Donbas, they uploaded their photos made there.

According to the bloggers' investigation, "in 2014 Russian troops attacked Ukrainian territories using "mobile squadrons" - BM-21 "Grad" were used in frontier regions of the Rostov region and in the Ukrainian territory and then returned quickly to the Russian territory.

"Something is about to happen"
The tank row in Klintsy railway station catches the eye. Ten combat vehicles stand several meters far from the place the train stops.

"The unit from Yekaterinburg was deployed here a few days ago, everyone takls about it. The event of the century."
A taxi driver says with confidence: "Finally, people will be safe! From whom? From NATO, of course. From Ukrainians. Ukraine is next to us, it is a great danger. Earlier, units constantly deployed in Klintsy, but the government ran out of money and units were removed. Now they are being restored: it is said about 7 000 soldiers are to arrive before the end of the year. Missile troops, helicopter pilots, infantry will be here. They will deploy not only in Klintsy but in Novozybkov. As long as there is no war it is good. And what will you do if it starts?
Novozybkov locates a few tens of minutes from the border. Amid this situation Dmitry Peskov's statement that the reinforcement near the Belarusian border is nonsense sounds strange.
"Rumour has it that some provocation of Ukrainians is expected: they provoke us, Russia will have to respond and Russia will be presented as an aggressor again. Guys from the Ural are here only for three days, they try to pick up our girls," a student says.
Analysis of social networks (local group on VKontakte) reveals common concern of inhabitants of the region. Here are some comments: "I'm scared... Is something really to happen?", "Can me and my family die?". People address soldiers so that could calm them down: "Should we go far from the border?"

When population is concerned about the issue, regular soldiers are specifically kidding and upload photos of tanks: "Equipment is ready! We are going to take Germany."

In the evening the local guide of journalists said soldiers constantly go spare to the town and gave a piece of advice to visit the "Horseshoe" club to communicate with them unofficially. There we met a few regular officers dressed in the uniform. We got acquainted with Major S. He sits down on the porch and slowly starts smoking looking into the distance: "Do you know what is more frightening? To receive order No. 1. I remember the times in Rostov, we were waiting for days. You're not asked, just ordered."
"Lukashenka has started to turn his face to the West and uncle Vova's decided to make him nervous. Until he's deciding what position is better. We don't want war, but he was advised not to let NATO in. Homel is less than 2 hours from here, the border is 40 km away. Does it make a difference now? It looks like we dropped into Lukashenka. Do you know the firing range of Grad, for example?," a major says.
Major S. is sure that the Russian base is to appear in Belarus: "Lukashenka says it to calm you down. They have already decided upon it and just for a good moment to come. Do you really want to see NATO?!"
The major is a veteran of the Second Chechen War. When he was 18 he survived in the Argun Gorge and decided to stay in the army. Then he left for the South Ossetia. His friend, a senior lieutenant, has recently been in Syria. Senior sergeant E. confirmed many of people there had participated in combat operations:
"Before 2007 they did not think for long where to send us. Chechnya - ok. I haven't showed photos made in Chechnya to my wife. It is hard to recall".
It looks like the soldier tries to justify himself when telling about Syria: "What? Events in Syria are official, not like in Ukraine!"
In two hours darkness fell, dinner was over and officer ordered vodka. As soon as it was over the company decided to go to the Russian sauna. Starlei complained: I spent my money on sports betting.
Earlier mass media wrote that soldiers lived in mobile tents. But there were none. They were sleeping on the ground, without sleeping bags. The fire was dying, dogs were walking around.

We fell into talk with 18 year-old regular soldier. The guy approached and started whispering:
"We were not ready for deployment here! We had neither a lecture on ideology nor special meeting before the departure. We often go spare. Do you know what we do here? Do you see a metal wire the locomotive is bound to rails? A warrant officer orders to cut it and then sell. Then we buy everything he needs - cigarettes, food. He lives at our expense! And we feel good when we have one packed lunch for three of us. During the trip we had one for five. Well, it is fun... I've always wanted to be in the army, I'm a patriot."
The Russian Ministry of Defence calls the location of the 28th separate motorized rifle brigade "one of steps against increased intensity of NATO exercises". The Belarus' Ministry of Defence refused to comment on the situation.