21 September 2024, Saturday, 3:52
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Price Of Freedom

Price Of Freedom

The destiny of the country is everyone's business.

"Remember, the higher the demand is, the lower is the price you need to pay for freedom,"Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

As it happens, everything in the world has its own "price". Including the right to freedom of assembly in our country.

So far, this price is not high. People used to pay more for freedom and independence. And the higher the demand for them, the greater the chance to defend them without blood and violence. Peacefully. To do that, it is necessary for the authorities to hear us, to see that we are not only capable of dashing off on Facebook and Vkontakte, but that we are also ready to defend our position in the streets of our cities. And there must be a lot of us. One stone, one grain of sand might be missing on the scales of history at a crucial moment.

It's a pity that no one knows beforehand when exactly the moment to make a decision will come. Usually, it becomes clear later. This applies to any situation, including the country's independence. Maybe, things will come right this time. Maybe, the bald dwarf who unleashed the war in Georgia and the massacre in Donbass, will now limit himself to "flexing his muscles" in front of Western "partners", or maybe not. Only then, when the aggression begins, if will be much more difficult to yell "go away" and, besides, – not enough.

Summer protests against the West-2017 exercises did their job. Close attention to the exercises both in Belarus and abroad is the result.

On July 21, the BNC called for holding a rally to prevent possible aggression on September 8 – the day of victory in the Battle of Vorsha. This is our chance to show what our "demand" for freedom and independence is, and to take part in setting of the tomorrow's "price" today.

The dictator and his gang are also getting ready for these "trades" in their own way. Trials in absentia, preventive arrests, fines... The actions of the dictatorship clearly shows whom and what exactly it is afraid of. Well, in fact, what kind of threat might come from those who ask for a permission to "protest"? With them the following scheme works: "May we stand for the independence of the country? No? Well, that’s OK".

The dictator wants everyone to be like that. To wait for his command to start talking, as his favorite puppets do. As the monopolized media do. As it happens during the fake "elections". "Shadow know your place!" – the authorities mockingly snort, receiving an "application for protest" and offering a piece of paper with a "ban" to wipe off. They are not afraid of those who are ready to remain silent, they are afraid only of those who are capable of doing things. Of solidarity, of the choice of where, when and what price to pay for freedom. The dictator wants only his position to be taken into account while setting the "price" of our country's independence. He thinks only of himself.

But the destiny of the country is everyone's business. After all, what happens next will affect everyone. Now is the time to look around and to think about who you are. A man or a shadow? If you are a man who is able to decide and pay the price for his decision – your path is clear. If a shadow – all you can do is to wait for the dawn, which will be brought closer by others.

Maksim Viniarski, Facebook

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