21 September 2024, Saturday, 2:54
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Mikalai Statkevich: Chief Manager Wants To Salt Yet More "Greenbacks" Away

Mikalai Statkevich: Chief Manager Wants To Salt Yet More "Greenbacks" Away

Why are harmful industries being sited in Belarus?

Belarusian National Congress leader Mikalai Statkevich has written about this on his Facebook page:

– When the current "president" took the upper hand first, China was a poor starving country, significantly behind Belarus. For almost 25 years of his "wise" leadership, the situation has become the opposite – our country is lagging behind, and China is already much ahead of us in terms of development and income of the population. Even the harmful industries are being transferred from there to other poor countries. Including to Belarus.

Now everyone has heard about two of them: the white pulp plant in Svetlahorsk and the battery plant in Brest.

Thousands of people suffer from poisonous emissions and stink in Svetlahorsk. Especially children. But local authorities are stubbornly defending the dangerous Chinese production. It got to a point where they started to forbid his employees to seek medical help in the case of poisoning. Teachers of local schools were forbidden even to mention toxic emissions.

The production in Brest has not been kick-started yet, but by the example of a similar enterprise in Belaaziorsk, everyone knows that after its start everything around will be poisoned by extremely dangerous lead. The people there, just as in Svetlahorsk, are not allowed to conduct peaceful rallies against the poisonous production. The leaders of the protest are brutally persecuted. The riot police are used against them.

One can’t get the sanction to deploy an "environmental bomb" near hundreds of thousands of people for no good reason. It is clear that some people in power have received huge amounts of under the table payments for their criminal permit to start the construction. Given that the cost of poisonous production is hundreds of millions of dollars, the minimum amount of kickbacks could be tens of millions.

But who of the authorities could commit this terrible crime, foredooming thousands and thousands of people to illness and suffering, threatening to poison large territories and even the Dnepr? What scum did it?

Let's take it apart. Two different regions. Two different, but extremely dangerous productions. The identical persistence of the authorities, who do not pay attention to the huge public resonance and are not afraid of the intervention of the capital's authorities.

Obviously, such sort of things is only possible if commanded by Minsk. And only one person, the "big boss," could give such a command. Who, in order to salt yet more "greenbacks" away in foreign banks, deprives the people, who were once bluffed into believing him, of the opportunity to just live on their land.

Now activists are trying to organize local protests against poisoners. If this does not help, then we will organize a completely legal opportunity to address the main poisoner directly. And the rest will depend on the people themselves. The more people will take the advantage of this opportunity, the more chances to save our land for the children we will have.

Now everything depends on us.

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