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Zhyrovichy Monastery Goes On Quarantine As Archbishop Gets Sick With Coronavirus

Zhyrovichy Monastery Goes On Quarantine As Archbishop Gets Sick With Coronavirus

Seminary students are on quarantine.

The Saint Ancension Monastery in Zhyriovichy, along with the Pilgrim House, has stopped receiving visitors until May 10. Such information is available on the official page of the monastery in the VKontakte social network. The reason is the epidemiological situation in the world. At the same time, people report that parishioners and students of the seminary who attended the Easter service have been sent to quarantine, writes tut.by.

On April 20, it became known that Archbishop of Navahradak and Slonim, rector at the Minsk Theological Seminary Huryj was hospitalized.

“Archbishop Huryj is actually in the hospital, sick, I don’t know his diagnosis,” commented the Belarusian Orthodox Church spokesman Siarhei Lepin.

On the website of the Navahradak diocese it is specified that Archbishop Huryj has pneumonia. As of April 21, his condition is stable, there is an improvement.

Nevertheless, residents of Zhyrovichy say that many seminary students were sent for quarantine, and builders who are busy with the restoration of the monastery began to work in masks.

“According to various sources, from 40 to 100 seminary students were quarantined in Slonim,” says one of the residents of Zhyrovichy.

It was not possible to confirm this information in the seminary itself: so far they decided to refrain from commenting there.

According to the staff of the monastery, apart from the temporary abolition of the pilgrimage, there are no changes here.

By the way, the monastery in Zhyrovichy this year marks 500 years (and 550 years since the acquisition of the Zhyrovichy Icon of Virgin Mary). Festive events are planned for May 18–20, 2020.

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