27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:25
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All-Nation Freedom March Underway In Belarus (Online)

All-Nation Freedom March Underway In Belarus (Online)

500 thousand in Minsk, over a million - in the whole Belarus.

A grandiose National March for Freedom is taking place across the country today, which has gathered more than a million people, 500 thousand people have come out in Minsk.

19:19 Nina Bahinskaya, who repeatedly held one-person pickets with the white-red-white flag, has finally seen the moment when the entire Belarus has risen. A very emotional photo.

19:15 The settlement of Tselekhany. Long Live Belarus!

19:14 The orchestra of changes! The famous song of Viktor Tsoi has been played on the bagpipes.

19:12 Near the Government House in Minsk. A sea of white-red-white flags. Compare this photo with Lukashenka's rally, to which extras were brought from all over Belarus.

19:09 In Voranava, people have come to the local executive office, chanting “Long Live Belarus!”

19:05 The Independence square right now. Such an incredible number of people!

19:04 A touching photo - the whole country has come out today!

19:02 The huge flag that people carried at the action in Polatsk today.

18:57 Lenin monument in Independence Square has been glued with various posters.

18:53 Near the KGB building, people are chanting “Lukashenka to paddy wagon!”

18:49 Minsk is just unbelievable!

18:47 The very beautiful Vitsebsk!

18:43 Independence Square now!

18:37 People have gathered near the remand prison in Valadarski Street, they are chanting the names of political prisoners: Seviarynets, Statkevich, Tsikhanouski!

18:36 Bells are ringing all over Minsk. Priests come out and greet the protesters!

18:34 The Independence Square is still being filled with people. The tail of the column is near the GUM Mall.

18:31 A good advice to Lukashenka in Salihorsk (the poster says “Alex, run!”)

18:26 In Hrodna, garbage trucks are following the column of protesters, honking.

18:23 The people are coming to Independence Square.

18:22 Different cities - one slogan: “Go Away!” in Drahichyn.

18:17 Dozens of thousands of demonstrators are filling the Independence Square.

18:15 The city is ours!

18:13 This is a Belarusian-style protest. People are cleaning up their trash after the action.

18:12 People in the cockroaches hometown Shklou are chanting “Belarus will go to Europe, Lukashenka, go to ass!”

18:11 This is what a quarter of Minsk looks like in one place.

18:09 Hundreds of thousands of free people in the center of Minsk!

18:06 One of the DJs who played “We Want Changes” at the pro-governmental meeting, has been freed! Glory to heroes!

18:05 While part of the people have already come to the House of Government, the rest are still marching on Niamiha.

17:41 In Berazino, people have called Lukashenka’s appointee onto the carpet. He seems to have hidden someplace.

17:40 The right flag has been hoisted at Drama Theatre in Homel!

17:39 The rally in Hrodna is over, 10% of the city population have participated in it!

17:38 A video of the column marching on the Avenue, just look at this!

17:37 In Babruisk, the column has stretched for 3.5 kilometers, the protesters are carrying a 30-meter white-red-white flag.

17:35 An enormous column of people is marching along Independence Avenue, chanting “Lukashenka to paddy wagon!”

17:33 An eloquent poster from Minsk.

17:30 The column is going along the avenue!

17:28 There’s a protest in the metro as well. Kastrychnitskaya station is chanting “Long Live Belarus!”

17:25 The whole Belarus is telling Lukashenka to “Go Away!”

17:24 Metro trains are beeping at Niamiha station, the machinists are saying “Long Live Belarus!” via loudspeakers, and the people in the carriage are answering “Long Live Forever!”

17:24 Brest is also changing flags today!

17:22 Mahiliou. Lukashenka said something about veterans. See, they are with the people, too!

17:20 Today’s slogans “Go Away!”, “Tribunal!”, “Lukashenka, go to paddy wagon!”, “Jail Lukashenka - then harvest potatoes!”

17:19 The column has started moving on the roadway in the direction of Niamiha.

17:16 The Air Assault Forces are with the people!

17:14 Amazing atmosphere is now near the Heroes Obelisk. People line up and prepare to walk along the avenue.

17:12 By the way, in Homel, as well as throughout the country, white-red-white flags are raised on the administrative buildings.

17:11 Up to 10 thousand people have gathered in Homel. Numerous actions are taking place throughout the country.

17:10 The whole Minsk has turned into one big demonstration!

17:09 The protesters have wrapped the Heroes Obelisk in the white-red-white flag.

17:08 The atmosphere at the Heroes Obelisk, the people are celebrating victory!

17:07 Sharkaushchyna is marching for Freedom today, too!

17:06 The Heroes Obelisk right now! Belarusians, we are the power!

17:05 Such posters are in Minsk today.

16:58 A mass rally in Hrodna - over 40 thousand people.

16:53 Something fantastic is happening at the Heroes Obelisk in Minsk!

16:52 A mass action for freedom is also taking place in Navapolatsk.

16:47 Half a million people near the Heroes Obelisk in Minsk, a video fact.

16:44 A historical moment in Homel!

16:39 Our flags are already being hoisted over administrative buildings in the whole country!

16:34 The Heroes Obelisk, view from above.

16:33 In Pinsk, a white-red-white flag of 109 meters has been stretched at the March.

16:32 The most massive rally in the history of Belarus is taking place now, at the Heroes Obelisk!

16:31 Salihorsk is something! A massive rally in the city of miners.

16:30 Homel keeps pace! The people are coming to the square, more and more people.

16:25 Eyewitnesses say that about half a million Belarusians have gathered at the Heroes Obelisk.

16:24 This is Minsk! This is us! There will be a million today!

16:24 Babruisk is chanting “Lukashenka, go away!”

16:23 Brest. People are going to the city executive committee.

16:22 A funeral wreath to the Lukashenka regime has been laid to the city executive committee building in Mazyr.

16:21 See how the transfer of power to the people looks like!

16:19 Barysau. It seems that half of the city has taken to the streets today. Very many people! Kilometers of them!

16:18 Vaukavysk stands for changes!

16:17 Shklou is also with us!

16:16 Another photo from the Heroes Obelisk! This is victory!

16:14 People have printed a huge ticket to the hague for Lukashenka.

16:13 Many paratroopers have arrived to the Heroes Obelisk.

16:12 People in small settlements and villages are also taking to the streets. See the settlement Zialiony Bor, Smaliavichy district, as an example.

16:11 Minsk, the Heroes Obelisk. These pictures are history. Belarusians are heroes!

16:09 People are already being settled in the nearby streets. All the space near the Heroes Obelisk is occupied by people.

16:06 More than 300 thousand people are now at the Heroes Obelisk in Minsk.

16:05 Minsk. Several hundred thousand people at the Heroes Obelisk - view from above.

16:04 Another photo from the Heroes Obelisk, author - Nadzeya Buzhan.

16:03 An ocean alive near the Heroes Obelisk. The number of people is impressive!

16:03 Baranavichy. No free space in the square.

16:02 The riot police have realized they are of no use here, and left.

16:01 There is no space on the sidewalks near the Heroes Obelisk, people are standing on the islands between the pedestrian crossings.

16:00 The Heroes Obelisk in Minsk from the above. This is fantastic!

15:59 The atmosphere near the Heroes Obelisk. This is history.

15:58 Minsk is a hero city.

15:57 An unbelievable number of people at the Heroes Obelisk!

15:56 The whole Belarus is marching for Freedom! Thousands and thousands of people in Hrodna!

15:54 A huge white-red-white canvas is being carried to the Heroes Obelisk.

15:53 A mass rally in Mahiliou from a drone.

15:52 The Heroes Obelisk, Minsk, at the moment.

15:51 In Lida, thousands of people are marching for Freedom, the column has stretched for one and a half kilometers.

15:50 An endless stream of people on Independence Avenue in Minsk.

15:49 An unbelievable atmosphere at the heroes Obelisk!

15:48 Shklou has risen against Lukashenka!

15:45 The march for changes in Hantsavichy.

15:44 Krychau has come out to protest! More and more cities are joining the Freedom March!

15:43 Cool photos of the Freedom March in Minsk.

15:42 Heroes Obelisk, you are the cosmos! This has never happened in Minsk before - so many people protesting!

15:41 Border troops are with the people!

15:40 There is an ocean of people in Brest, too!

15:39 Something incredible is happening in Hrodna! Just a sea of people have come out to protest!

15:38 Two more huge columns go to the Heroes Obelisk along Masherau Avenue! At the moment there are already more than 150 thousand people there.

15:37 Babruisk is also impressive!

15:36 Very many people in Brest. They are chanting “Lukashenka, go to a paddy wagon!”

15:35 So many people in the streets in Ivatsevichy today!

15:34 The Heroes Obelisk now! And the people keep coming.

15:33 The March in Horki!

15:32 In Navapolatsk, the flag was replaced on one of the flagpoles at the city executive committee.

15:31 The square in Brest is filled with people.

15:30 In one of the columns, which is moving from the Maskouski district, there are now more than ten thousand people. On the way to the Heroes Obelisk they met with Lukashenka's motorcade. The crowd booed him so loudly that the driver had to hit the gas hard.

15:29 Maladechna! The people keep coming.

15:28 The village of Pashkovichy, Minsk district. The cavalry has come to the March!

15:27 People are coming and coming and coming to the heroes Obelisk in Minsk.

15:26 Baranavichy. The national flag has been hoisted.

15:25 Right now. A small settlement of Radashkovichy.

15:24 Hrodna streets have never seen such a mass of protesters!

15:23 Heroes Obelisk now. 150 thousand are already there, and the people continue to arrive!

15:22 Dozens of thousands people continue to move towards the city center!

15:21 People in Minsk metro are trying to find those who voted for Lukashenka, but they can’t - nobody did.

15:20 There’s an unbelievable, indescribable crowd of people at Heroes Obelisk - there has never been anything of the kind! The people are chanting “Tribunal!”

15:19 Bresters in the square are chanting the name of the band, whose lead singer Yury Stylski was detained last night after a peaceful rally in the city.

15:18 Just see how many people have taken to the streets in Kobryn! Well done!

15:17 Incredible amount of people in Homel!

15:16 The marching Hlybokaye.

15:14 An impressive rally in Zhlobin. The demands are the same as elsewhere - the dictator must leave.

15:13 Dozens of hundreds of people keep coming to the Heroes Obelisk.

15:12 Valozhyn, 10K of population..

15:11 People and cars in the square in Mazyr.

15:10 Ivatsevichy, 20K of population.

15:09 Mahiliou believes in victory!!

15:08 The heroes Obelisk right now!

15:07 “We are the power!” Braslau is chanting.

15:07 Baranavichy have organized a really beautiful rally.

15:06 Another surreal timelapse from Niamiha metro station to the Heroes Obelisk.

15:05 Endless crowds in Hlybokaye.

15:04 The march in Rahachou.

15:03 People in Babruisk are chanting “Tribunal!”

15:02 Thousands of people in Barysau!

15:01 Not only city people take to the streets in solidarity. See how the village of Krasnaye looks right now.

15:00 The March in Zhlobin - very many people indeed.

14:56 More photos from the Heroes Obelisk in Minsk.

14:55 Very many people in Svislach as well!

14:55 The entire Minsk is in the streets. Just watch and listen!

14:54 Something incredible is taking place in Pinsk!

14:53 More photo reports from the heroes Obelisk. The capital has never seen anything even close to this!

14:52 Minsk. Thousands of people are marching towards the Heroes Obelisk.

14:52 Pinskers did their best. See the flag of 110 meters long.

14:51 Barysau now.

14:50 Babruisk will never forgive this regime.

14:49 Navapolatsk demanding Lukashenka’s resignation.

14:48 Dozens of thousand people are going to the Heroes Obelisk from Niamiha!

14:47 A huge white-red-white flag has been stretched in Hrodna!

14:46 The Heroes Obelisk - view from above. Dozens of thousand people are still on their way!

14:45 An incredible, unbelievable number of people near the heroes Obelisk. These are the best people of our nation.

14:44 An impressive column is moving along the Partyzanski Avenue to the Heroes Obelisk.

14:43 This is just the beginning! Dozens of many-thousand columns are marching to the Heroes Obelisk.

14:42 An impressive March in Brest.

14:40 The Heroes Obelisk now! Thousands and thousands free people!

14:39 Lida has taken to the Freedom March.

14:38 Masherau Avenue-Kuybyshau Street crossroads. An endless stream of people here!

14:38 Vorsha has taken to the March!

14:37 Thousands and thousands people are coming from Niamiha direction.

14:36 Homel is chanting “Go away!”

14:35 The people are gathering for the Freedom March in different towns and cities of Belarus.

14:34 An enormous stream of people on Kastrychnitskaya!

14:33 All the people of Polatsk have gathered, and are waiting for the mayor. The Mayor doesn’t come out, due to some reason.

14:32 The unreal Pinsk!

14:31 The endless Mahiliou!

14:30 The number of people near the Heroes Obelisk has surpassed 150K!

14:30 See how many people in Baranavichy!

14:29 Petrykau is marching for freedom!

14:28 The March in Homel. No horizon is seen.

14:27 Very many people have taken to the streets in Babruisk.

14:26 Minsk streets are just flooded with free Belarusians.

14:25 Maladechna is marching en masse!

14:24 Thousands of people are marching from the direction of Mayakovsky Street in Minsk!

14:23 Baranavichy residents are taking to the March!!

14:22 The people are demanding Lukashenka must leave.

14:21 Brest right now. We Believe, We Can, We Shall Win!

14:17 Heroes Obelisk right now! This is unbelievable, indescribable, brilliant!

14:16 Navapolatsk is taking to the streets!

14:15 The columns have reached the Heroes Obelisk. Just see how many people there are!

14:14 The column is moving along Kalvaryjskaya Street. Join in!

14:13 So many people on Niamiha!

14:12 Over 60 thousand people have gathered at the Heroes Obelisk at 2 p.m. The columns are still moving from various part of Minsk.

14:12 This is the column from, Uruchcha! People are coming from all parts of the city!

14:11 The column in Mahiliou is endless!

14:09 Biaroza does not lag behind. There are crowds of people everywhere.

14:08 A massive March in Hrodna.

14:07 Zhdanovichy moving towards the center.

14:07 A huge column is moving along Kalvaryjskaya to the center.

14:06 Teacher have gathered near the GUM mall at 1.30 pm. They have started for the Heroes Obelisk. Among them - tutor Yauhen Liviant.

14:06 Employees of the Academy of Sciences went to the March for Freedom.

14:05 A large column goes to the Heroes Obelisk from Victory Square.

14:05 Kalvaryjskaya is coming.

14:04 Minsk. Meanwhile, thousands of people have gathered along the entire Independence Avenue, mainly in the area from Yakub Kolas Square to BSU.

14:03 This is the rally in Zhlobin. People are marching to the city executive committee.

14:03 Minsk. People are going from Klara Zetkin Street towards Niamiha.

14:00 People are coming to the Minsk city center from all directions.

13:59 Very many people on Yakub Kolas square.

13:56 Belarusian Golgotha. No words.

13:55 An amazing video!

13:54 Here is what is happening on Uskhod now.

13:53 Minsk. Thousands of people from the side of Hrushauka are going to the March.

13:51 Pinsk: people are moving from different areas to the center.

13:50 The small town of Tselekhany is also going to protest.

13:49 How many people are going to the march! Uskhod metro station

13:48 The people are already in the center of Minsk!

13:47 Picasso Boulevard. We are lost for words.

13:46 Loshytsa is already marching along Mayakovsky Street in the direction of the railway station. It seems endless.

13:45 And here is a video of a huge column going to the center of Minsk along Dziarzhynski Avenue.

13:44 Minsk. An old lady in the bus supports the Freedom March.

13:43 Here is a part of the column from Uskhod at Dana Mall.

13:42 Minsk. Uskhod. A large column of people with white-red-white flags is going to the center. Cars are honking.

13:39 Hrodna supports Freedom March.

13:38 Yakub Kolas Square now. Doctors and paratroopers have joined the protest.

13:37 Meanwhile, a column of several thousand people with white-red-white flags and balloons is moving from the Uskhod metro station to the city center.

13:37 Liabiazhy is gracefully moving to the center of Minsk.

13:36 A group of demonstrators is walking from the Heroes Obelisk to Independence Avenue.

13:34 Malinauka is coming to the Freedom March!

13:32 People from the dormitory districts of Minsk are coming to join the Freedom March.

13:29 Here is another photo of the column from Pushkinskaya, which is moving towards the center.

13:27 Braslau supports the participants of the Freedom March.

13:27 A very large column of people is moving along Dziarzhynski Avenue towards the center. People with white-red-white flags, in light clothes, with balloons, ribbons and banners step by step cross the pedestrian crossings.

13:25 Columns of demonstrators are moving to the center of Minsk from Kamennaya Horka..

13:23 Some are getting prepared for the Freedom march, but see how they are doing it!

13:21 The workers of the Minsk Wheeled Tractors Plant are still going towards the Independence square. There are really many people!

13:18 Minskers are bringing a huge white-red-white flag to the center of Minsk..

13:15 People from Uruchcha, Riga Mall, Malinauka, Pushkinskaya have started their movement to the city center.

13:14 A column of people is marching along the Dziarzhynski Avenue to the center of Minsk: a video from another angle.

13:12 Novaya Baravaya is coming: another powerful video.

13:10 Minskers from different districts are coming to the center to take part in the Freedom March!

13:08 People with national white-red-white flags walk along Dziarzhynski Avenue to the city center.


13:06 Novaya Baravaya is already marching for Freedom!!

13:01 The workers of the Minsk Plant of Wheeled Tractors are marching towards the Heroes Obelisk in the center of minsk to take part in the Freedom March.

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