27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:54
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Provocations on the Polish Border: The Belarusian Military Is Approaching the Barriers and Throwing Migrants on the Wire

Provocations on the Polish Border: The Belarusian Military Is Approaching the Barriers and Throwing Migrants on the Wire

(Updated) The result of the conversation between Merkel and Lukashenka.

Lukashenka's regime continues provocations on the border with Poland.

At night, Belarusian security forces in camouflage sneaked up to the border and destroyed fences on the Polish side. Lukashists also threw migrants directly onto the barbed wire.

Polish authorities have shown firmness in resisting the hybrid attack on EU borders. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that the European Union will not allow a single migrant to pass from the territory of Belarus.

In this situation, Lukashenka goes all in, trying to benefit from the exacerbation of the migration crisis.

The Charter97.org website has collected the main news about what is happening on the border of Belarus and Poland.

17:08 This is what the morning attack of migrants on the Polish border looked like. The professional actions of the Polish military brought the situation back under control.

16:57 During the assault on the Polish border, migrants used their own children.

16:31 Discontent is multiplying among illegal migrants. Here is what the Kurds write in one of their chats:

16:30 Polish border guards report that now foreigners are returning from the border crossing in Bruzgi to the area of the former camp, located a few hundred meters from the border. Everything is done under the control of the Belarusian services.

15:54 This is what the Bruzgi checkpoint looks like after the attack of migrants.

15:44 During the attack of migrants, an officer of the Polish border service was injured. The employee was taken to the hospital, she will receive medical assistance.

14:55 After the failed assault on the Polish border, which took place in the area of the Kuznica checkpoint, the Belarusian security forces escorted illegal immigrants to the former camp on the border.

14:46 A stun grenade thrown from the Belarusian side exploded among the Polish security forces. Behind the scenes, the joyful shouts of migrants are heard.

14:44 Several migrants in a conversation with the Belarusian military said they want to go to Minsk.

14:19 The Polish Ministry of Defense published a video in which migrants throw stones at Poles under the close control of Belarusian security officials with machine guns.

14:14 Illegal immigrants continue to attack the Polish security forces. The press secretary of the Polish special services Stanisław Żaryn published a video showing the current situation at the Bruzgi checkpoint.

14:10 Migrants dismantle tiles at the Bruzgi checkpoint and throw them at Polish soldiers.

14:05 Attacks by illegal immigrants were coordinated by the Belarusian security forces, also the barrier troops do not allow them to return to the territory of Belarus. One can see that the Kurds are dissatisfied with the actions of the Belarusian side.

14:04 One of the Polish police officers guarding the border was seriously wounded and is now being treated.

13:48 The Polish police say that the Belarusian security forces are coordinating the attack of migrants and watching through drones.

13:43 Thousands of illegal immigrants who are at the Polish border crossing Kuznica went to storm the border. Polish border guards repel attacks by migrants.

13:37 There was a video in which a migrant fired stones from a sling at the Polish military.

13:29 After the Polish border guards repulsed the first attack on the Kuznitsa checkpoint, the migrants regrouped and attacked again.

13:25 Illegal immigrants started throwing tents at the Polish military.

13:17 Belarusian security officer instructs migrants during the storming of the Polish checkpoint.

13:14 There was a video from the Polish border guards, which shows how an object flies into the Polish security forces from the Belarusian side and begins to smoke.

13:07 Illegals armed themselves with metal rods and continue to throw logs at the Polish special services.

13:06 The Polish border guards washed away the migrants attacking from the side of Bruzgi with a wave from a water cannon.

13:04 Armed men in Belarusian uniforms blocked migrants at the border crossing and are forcing them to storm the Polish border.

12:58 Migrants try to dismantle a barbed-wire fence.

12:57 Illegals throw stun grenades at the Polish military.

12:51 The migrants went to break through the border with a huge "ram".

12:46 Footage of what the crossing on the border with Poland destroyed by migrants looks like appeared on the Internet.

12:41 The Polish Ministry of Defense published a video of an attempt to break through the state border.

12:39 The camp of illegal immigrants, which is located at the border crossing, was completely empty, everyone went to the assault.

12:36 Illegals attack Polish border guards with huge logs.

12.31 Migrants storm the Polish border: video from a drone.

12.17 Migrants went to storm the border with Poland.

Illegals break the fence at the border and throw stones and sticks at the border guards.

Stun grenades flew towards the refugees from the Polish side; border guards also used tear gas cans and a water cannon.

11.11 A group of illegal immigrants tried to leave the camp near the Polish border.

Illegals say they are "going back to Iraq."

At the moment, it is unknown whether the Belarusian security forces allowed them to pass.

10.39 This is a video of how the migrant camp near the Bruzgi-Kuznitsa border crossing looks like morning.

Illegals are burning fires, and Polish border guards are guarding the borders of their state and the entire European Union.

10.03 Photos from CCTV cameras appeared, showing how the camp of illegal migrants, which arose yesterday at the Bruzgi checkpoint, looks like now.

9.21 The Polish Ministry of Defense published a video, which shows a man in camouflage uniform walking from the side of Belarus and destroying the fence on the Polish side.

According to the ministry, this is done by the Belarusian law enforcement officer in order to allow migrants to pass.

8.53 A shocking footage of what the Belarusian security forces are doing with migrants at night has appeared on the Internet.

They use people as living material to break through the border, literally throwing them onto barbed wire.

8.47 Several hundred migrants attacked the Polish border guards, throwing stones at them.

A group of several hundred migrants tried to break through the border on Monday afternoon in the Staziny area, Podlaska police spokesman Tomasz Krupa said on Monday evening.

He added that migrants threw stones at border guards, police officers, and soldiers, tvp.info reports.

One of the stones damaged the helmet protecting the policeman's head. The attack was repulsed.

8.27 What does the border with Poland look like now? Photos from cameras at the Bruzgi-Kuznitsa crossing and videos from the new migrant camp have been published.

The Polish military reinforced the fence at the Bruzgi-Kuznica border crossing with metal sheets. And migrants aburn fires right at the crossing.

8.15 The European Union will not allow migrants from the territory of Belarus. These people need to be given humanitarian aid and sent to their countries of departure. This was stated by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

8.03 At night, Belarusian soldiers pushed migrants directly onto the barbed wire.

"Women's screams can be heard, gas rises in the air, Polish and Belarusian soldiers are shouting at each other. There is a lot of swearing going on," independent Belarusian journalist Tadeusz Gichan reports from the border, tvp.info reports.

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