17 June 2024, Monday, 19:02
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Charter 97!

On the Border with Poland, Migrants Break the Fence with Axes and Wire Cutters

On the Border with Poland, Migrants Break the Fence with Axes and Wire Cutters

The Polish Defense Ministry said that the situation on the border is under the control of the Belarusian special services.

On the border with Poland, migrants break the fence with axes and wire cutters. In the background, trees are being felled on the Belarusian side.

The Polish Ministry of Defense said that the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border takes place in the presence and control of the Belarusian special services, attaching a photo of the Belarusian military who are at the border at the moment.

The website Charter97.org monitors the development of the situation on the border of Belarus and Poland in an online broadcast.

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