13 February 2025, Thursday, 15:25
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Journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich Released

Journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich Released

Her colleagues met her near the Homel colony.

Today tut.by journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich has been released.

The journalist spent six months behind bars for the text about "zero ppm" of alcohol in the blood of the hero of Belarus, Raman Bandarenka.

"We start the morning with good news. All the time Katsiaryna Barysevich was behind bars, we were dreaming that on the day of her release we would buy up all the flowers in the Kamarouski market and wait for her on the outside with bright armfuls. Yesterday's events that happened in the editorial office of tut.by changed our plans. There aren't many of us near the colony in Homel, where Katsia was transported in the last days of her imprisonment, but we are waiting for her - with greetings from all the staff," - the journalists of tut.by reported.

At about 7:24 a.m., Katsiaryna Barysevich out of the gates of the colony with two large bags.

First she called her 18-year-old daughter Dasha, who is now waiting for her mother, along with other relatives, in Minsk. Katsiaryna said it took her a long time to get all the letters, and she received about 500 of them in six months.

"Now Katsiaryna Barysevich is with her colleagues, she's in a great mood," - the journalists report.

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