13 September 2024, Friday, 17:14
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Global Athlete Demanded To Suspend Activity Of Belarusian NOC Immediately

Global Athlete Demanded To Suspend Activity Of Belarusian NOC Immediately

The response of the International Olympic Committee to the situation with Tsimanouskaya has to be swift and decisive.

The international community of athletes "Global Athlete" called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to suspend the activities of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus because of the situation with track and field athlete Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, who has been subjected to attempts to deport her to her home country, reports gazeta.ru.

"Global Athlete calls on the IOC to suspend immediately the activities of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus and to allow all Belarusian athletes to perform as neutral athletes under the Olympic flag. The alleged kidnapping of Belarusian Olympic athlete Krystsina Tsimanouskaya by the NOC of Belarus is yet another example of the mistreatment of athletes in Belarus," the statement reads.

Tsimanouskaya posted a statement on Instagram criticizing the decision of Belarusian coaches, who had put the girl on the application list for the 4x400 meter relay without her knowledge. Then she said that they had taken her off the race and tried to take her back to Minsk by force. The participant of the Games also admitted that she had no intention to return to Belarus.

The athlete asked the airport police for help, after which they placed her under protection. Tsimanouskaya got a Polish visa and intends to ask for political asylum in this country. She is now staying at the Polish embassy in Tokyo.

Earlier, the Belarusian Foundation for Sports Solidarity in its Telegram-channel reported that law enforcement officers from Minsk had arrived in Klimavichy to Krystsina Tsimanouskaya's parents.

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