5 October 2024, Saturday, 3:14
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Classmate Of Guy Who Shot KGB Officer: Andrei Was Always For Truth

Classmate Of Guy Who Shot KGB Officer: Andrei Was Always For Truth

Andrei Zeltser had a wife and child.

The tragedy happened on September 28 in Minsk. The KGB reported that the security officers were "raiding the addresses, where there might be people involved in terrorist activities". In one of the apartments a man opened fire with a rifle. A KGB officer was fatally wounded. The guy was killed by firing back. The video of the incident, shot simultaneously from two cameras, appeared on the state ONT TV channel's telegram channel. The first camera is of the law enforcers. You can see them breaking the door and entering the apartment. The second camera appears to be on a shelf in front of a mirror inside the apartment. It shows a guy with a hunting rifle, shooting.

Komsomolskaya Pravda has learned that the guy who fired the gun is 32-year-old employee of EPAM, a major IT company, Andrei Zeltser. He left a wife and child. A classmate of the shooter described him:

"We studied with him in 8th and 9th grade at school 203 affiliated with BNTU, it's in Uruchcha," said Vera Salauyova. "Andrei studied very well. He was a very positive person who was always ready to help. All the good that can be said about a man is actually about him. At school he was fond of sports. Namely fencing. Then he gave up training, but recently he told me he'd started it again. After graduation, we often met in Uruchcha and talked about school. Then he went to work at EPAM, and now he was a team leader (not the last executive position in an IT company, ed.). Andrei was brave. Always for the truth. Could answer his opponents, could stand up for himself. He often argued, always defending his position.

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