27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:35
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Russian Media Frightened By Okhlobystin's Insane Screams

Russian Media Frightened By Okhlobystin's Insane Screams

Video recording of an interesting moment in the speech of the scandalous actor at a rally in Moscow appeared.

An interesting detail was revealed in Ivan Okhlobystin's crazy speech at the Kremlin in honour of the annexation of the Ukrainian territories.

An ardent supporter of the Putin regime, Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, was not successful in his performance with the public in Moscow.

Applause supporting his speeches is fake. In reality, the state employees driven to Red Square were silent when the artist voiced imperialist narratives. He burst into a shocking speech, threatening war on the whole world. In addition, Okhlobystin shouted “Goida” [the Turkic word in Russian language, it means 'let's go" - Ed.] from the stage.

Russian TV had to correct this mistake, and during the broadcast, the moment was drowned out by the sounds of the cheering crowd, superimposed on real footage.

Well, the truth came out. The Telegram channel Ukraine 365 publishes a video showing what really happened at the patriotic concert and how it was presented by the Russian media.

No one is shouting in support of the actor's inadequate appeals in the video made by the eyewitnesses who were there. The words about the "holy war" in reality caused anguish among the public and total silence. "Be afraid, we're coming! Goida! - Okhlobystin shouted from the stage, and those present were in a hurry to leave the square near the Kremlin.

Recall that the actor threatened the whole world with bloodshed, justifying the war against Ukraine with religion. Earlier, Okhlobystin was glad that his country was falling into the abyss, and urged to accelerate the collapse of Russia.

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