27 July 2024, Saturday, 4:06
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Military Expert: It's Not A Big Deal To Get Putin

Military Expert: It's Not A Big Deal To Get Putin
Oleh Zhdanov

The head of the Kremlin cannot blackmail the West.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be able to use nuclear weapons or blow up nuclear power plants. All his plans will be exposed, and preventive strikes will be launched on the bunker of the Kremlin's head.

Military expert Oleh Zhdanov expressed this point of view in an interview with Radio NV. According to him, the Russian Federation is unlikely to go for undermining the reactors of nuclear power plants: this plan is unrealistic to implement in a couple of days.

A planned sabotage is needed to undermine it and bring the reactor to a critical state. However, this will be noticeable, the entire West and its intelligence will know about it.

According to Zhdanov, it is unlikely that Western leaders will calmly observe the preparation of a terrorist attack. The expert recalled the statements of the U.S. and British intelligence representatives about the right to a preemptive strike on the decision-making center in the event of talk about the use of mass destruction weapons.

“And this means Putin. They (the West - Ed.), believe me, know where he is, when he moves and from which bunker he moves, how he moves. It's not a big deal to get Putin today," Zhdanov said.

At the same time, he noted that the West cannot liquidate Putin until it receives guarantees of the stability of the situation in the Russian Federation during the liquidation.

The expert believes that this can happen when a force appears in Russia that will guarantee its ability to keep the situation under control, and after the preliminary discussion of further coexistence of Russia and other countries of the world.

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