27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:46
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Makei's Farewell Weirdness

Makei's Farewell Weirdness

Officers In Civvies And Red Carnations From Establishment.

According to eyewitnesses from the scene, the farewell to Uladzimir Makei is taking place in Minsk. The queue to get to the House of Officers is still long at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. You can see mostly the officials with red carnations there, according to the Salidarnast.

It is known that Aliaksandr Lukashenka had farewelled the Minister of Foreign Affairs earlier.

His photo and video in an empty hall was published by his press service.

Even after Aliaksandr Lukashenka was present at the farewell, the security measures are still unprecedented. The entire area is reinforced with officers in civvies, in the Kupalauski Public Garden and near the underground, there are specific minibuses.

It is noteworthy that earlier it became known that Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov would not come to say goodbye to his colleague. Which caused some confusion and various guesses.

"The birth, life and death of leaders in dictatorial countries are shrouded in obscurity. Sometimes there are a lot of versions - remember the death of Comrade Stalin. Was he poisoned? Was he provided with medical care at the right moment? Did he die a natural death?" writes the SerpomPo Telegram channel.

The strangeness continued around the suddenly deceased Uladzimir Makei, Lukashenka's Foreign Minister.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko would go to Makei's funeral. “I confirm the information. He will represent the ministry,” noted Zakharova dryly.

But why not Minister Lavrov? What does this demarche with the downgrading of the representative mean? Moreover, Lavrov would have to meet with Makei today, if the last one had not left his life.

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