27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:03
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USA Intending To Isolate Belarusian Regime

USA Intending To Isolate Belarusian Regime

The dictator will answer for his involvement in the war against Ukraine.

Washington intends to achieve the maximum isolation of Belarus in OSCE as a coaggressor in the war against Ukraine. This was stated by U.S. Permanent Representative to the OSCE, Michael Carpenter. In addition, the White House will work to bring Putin and Lukashenka regimes to justice.

"At the OSCE we are trying to focus on demonstrating the horrors and atrocities that Russia is committing in Ukraine, isolating Russia and Belarus as co-aggressors as much as possible and holding them accountable, insisting that there must be some form of justice and accountability for all war crimes already committed, human rights violations and possible crimes against humanity," Carpenter said.

Carpenter noted that excluding Belarus and Russia from the OSCE is impossible - there is no mechanism, so the US is trying to focus on exposing the atrocities that Russia is committing in Ukraine.

The US representative said that Russia and Belarus are already in isolation and cited the situation in the CSTO as an example.

"This is quite an achievement, given that Russia's so-called CSTO allies sit at the table and refuse to defend Russia's actions in Ukraine or support its network of lies and disinformation," Carpenter said.

We remind you that a meeting of the foreign ministers of the OSCE member states will be held in Lodz (Poland) on December 1-3. Polish authorities denied Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov entry to the country. On behalf of the Belarusian authorities, Andrei Dapkiunas, permanent representative of Belarus to the OSCE, will attend the summit in place of Uladzimir Makei, who passed away.

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