28 September 2024, Saturday, 17:59
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Lukashists Conduct ‘Raid’ Against Homel CIT Guards

Lukashists Conduct ‘Raid’ Against Homel CIT Guards

Several people were “removed” from the routes in one day.

The Viasna human rights center reported today about the mass detentions of CIT guards in Homel.

Belarusian human rights activists learned that on November 24 the law-enforcers came to the non-bank credit and financial organization INKASSO.EXPERT.

“They removed 5 or 6 people from the routes. And they took these people away. Some of them were just interrogated. And some were released after they had unsubscribed from “extremist” channels in the presence of the law-enforcers,” Vasna’s sources in the organization say.

Following the results of the Lukashists’ “raid”, Mikalai Asharchuk, Aliaksandr Hubarevich, and Maksim Baravikou were arrested for 10 days.

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