27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:27
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'Each Song Costs Them 15 Days'

'Each Song Costs Them 15 Days'

What happens to the musicians of TOR BAND.

Radio Svaboda found out what happened to the musicians of TOR BAND Zmitser Halavach and Yauhen Burlo. They were detained on 28 October and have not yet been released. As it became known, the musicians were punished for the third time in a row with 15 days of arrest.

"They are punished with 15 days for each song. Rumor has it that there's a criminal case. As far as I know, it's not open yet. One checks people in Rahachou who appeared in TOR BAND music videos. One mostly holds preventive conversations. Some are detained when one finds subscriptions to "extremist" channels. There were meetings in state organizations and enterprises. People were warned to remove TOR BAND, links to it, and reposts from social networks. One threatened with arrests," a source to Radio Svaboda says.

However, another source said that "someone on top" was enraged by the song Batska. There were about a hundred people in the video.

"One looks for them now, interrogates. They're looking for anything, any sign of "extremism," a source told RS.

The arrested musicians are in the Rahachou temporary detention facility. Their third 15-day arrest expires on December 13.

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