27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:34
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General Milley: AFU May Attack In Winter

General Milley: AFU May Attack In Winter

Putin has already been defeated.

Russia's missile strikes on Ukrainian civilians are not affecting the AFU's resolve.

US Army General Mark Milley has stated this. The US serviceman called Russia's actions unacceptable.

According to the general, Putin has been defeated on the whole, but there are still many combat actions ahead. In his statement, Milley recalled how the Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled the first attack on Kyiv and then survived the fighting in the east.

The American general also noted that winter could be a chance for the Ukrainian Armed Forces:

- There will be a potential opportunity for offensive action on both sides in the middle of winter because of the weather and the terrain. So we will see what happens with that.

The American general believes that the occupiers are trying to break the backbone and the will of the Ukrainian people. But everyone will see "an increase in the level of resilience and resistance on the part of the Ukrainian people".

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