27 July 2024, Saturday, 18:15
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Kosovo Imposed Sanctions Against The Belarusian Regime

Kosovo Imposed Sanctions Against The Belarusian Regime

The European Union approved this decision.

The Kosovo government has decided to impose sanctions against 183 individuals and 26 legal entities associated with Belarus and the dictator Lukashenka.

Any assets owned by these individuals and entities in Kosovo will be frozen and they will be prohibited from entering Kosovo. Likewise, citizens and organizations of Kosovo are prohibited from doing business with these individuals, exit.al reports.

Deputy Foreign Minister Liza Gashi said that all measures have been taken in coordination with the European Union, the United States, and Canada.

“Bearing always in mind our aim to promote and protect peace, democracy and human rights, we have made a decision that will contribute to the continued close cooperation with the US, EU and our international partners,” Gashi commented on the decision.

Last year, the European Union approved a set of sanctions against Lukashenka’s regime “over continued human rights abuses and the instrumentalisation of migrants.”

EU accession candidates North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania also joined the sanctions.

The remarkable act of the Kosovo authorities is symbolic, but once again shows how the Belarusian dictatorship is perceived in Europe.

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