27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:22
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‘They Sold Dry Rations And Kerosine To Get A Box Of Vodka’

‘They Sold Dry Rations And Kerosine To Get A Box Of Vodka’

The true moral image of a Russian tourist.

The so-called military exercises continue in Belarus. There have been reports that Russian soldiers in Belarus drink heavily, sell dry rations, and diesel fuel.

The website Charter97.org collected a number of readers' comments regarding the moral qualities of the Russian military and the consequences of their stay on the territory of Belarus.

“They sold dry rations and kerosene to get a box of vodka.”

“They would rather drink vodka in their tents in the blistering cold than work.”

“They will soon begin exchanging their rusty tanks for vodka.”

“There will be no offensive. Tanks and equipment will not start, since the fuel has long been converted into alcohol, as well as dry rations issued for a month. Drunken Buryats either sleep in horticultural associations, or get hungry and chase individual chickens not yet hidden by Belarusian peasants.”

“There are warriors living in Luninets in green tents right under the road bridge in the city center. Nearby, in several rows, there is a pile of military equipment covered with a tarpaulin. They sell diesel fuel to locals for 80-90 kapeykas starting from 100 liters. They buy out alcohol in shops. According to the words of a friend, they invite themselves to the local women to “have a shower”..”

“This bottom life form is trying to impose its vision of the world, observing everything through the prism of a drinking glass.”

“Where Russians appear, there comes poverty, drunkenness, general degradation of the population. And these liberators climb into all spheres of people's life. The people will scream soon!”

“The last fun before death in case of the offensive. Whoever is lucky enough to stay alive will get a medal and disability, at best — will return to the garrison in the middle of nowhere.

“I remember the movie “Wedding in Malinovka”. The horses are drunk, the boys are harnessed! It turns out that these are not the director's fantasies. A couple of drones with alcohol — and the combat Buryats are neutralized.”

“They will plunder and sell Russia as well as they plundered and sold the USSR. Putin with his gang plunders and exports billions to NATO banks, but his stupid and always drunk martinets steal and trade in state solarium. Birds of a feather.”

“In order to stop the offensive on the ground, it is enough to retreat leaving cisterns with vodka and alcohol, and then turn around and kill the drunks.”

“Drunken people in general will go to death and slaughter willingly — they don’t care about anything. Well, this time the Ukrainians will dispose of them — and that's all right.”

“The degradation of the Russian troops is so great that you are no longer surprised by anything. The Russian military are just eagles, every one of them. True, without wings. They can’t fly, but they can shit …”

“That's all you need to know about the Russian army. Drunkenness, lack of discipline and self-discipline. They sold dry rations to local residents or outbids, immediately bought moonshine with the proceeds, and got drunk to a state of complete insanity. As a result, death. Conquerors ... 90% of them are more accustomed to holding a bottle of hawthorn tincture in their hands than a machine gun …”

The Russian military also suffered the first losses in the exercises. They crashed into a truck carrying potatoes. Readers of our website reacted to this incident in their own way:

“Gastello drove his war machine into the column of invaders?”

“It turns out that they can be killed by ordinary potatoes, no javelins or stingers needed...”

“It's just some kind of a show with these Russian military. Either they freeze drunk, or they walk drunk on the railway tracks. They ran over an Audi,, then crushed by into a potato-delivering truck. It's just …”

“At first it was an Audi, then potatoes, then cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage raised for struggle, then peas and corn joined in, and the Russian army was defeated.”

“The war has not begun, but there are already losses.”

“The truck driver is a real Gastello, he drove his combat vehicle into the column of invaders!”

“Three Kamaz trucks with people of Russian citizenship couldn’t defeat one Belarusian truck with potatoes. And they haven't started fighting yet.”

“Even potatoes are already at war with them.”

"Whoever comes to us with a sword will die from potatoes."

“For the dictator Putin, Russian military men are just a material for use, some sort of animals, and that’s all. This is the system they have, a deeply medieval one, they are very far from civilization.”

“So after all, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were also generally darlings. They just had such a job, an order. They themselves did not want war. As well as the entire population of the Russian Federation. They are all good themselves. They just hate Ukraine. And they don’t want war, they just have to kill Ukrainians.”

“The true moral image of a Russian tourist!”

“If someone does not understand the state and potential of consolidated warriors on the territory of Belarus, then the conclusion can be simply imagined. Practically incompetent, untrained conscripts, they are a little inert, barely rearranging a herd in their kolkhoz equipment. Equipment that is in a state of “on the verge of fantasy” tends to fall apart on the go, since it has been in storage boxes since Soviet times, and the management of this scrap metal is generally at the level of star wars, which is obvious on the roads, then the Audi was crushed, then half a column got into an accident with potatoes. There will be no invasion a priori, only constant pressure and tension. But, this requires huge funds, they are already running out. The finish is obvious, they began to shoot at kindergartens in the Donbas. There is nowhere else to go, schizophrenia has overcome the post-Soviet society.”

“Russia is like a dumb player in online strategy games. Having quickly mastered a couple of military technologies, riveted a huge army, got nasty to his neighbors in chat rooms, he went on a campaign. Not only does everything for the war and the army stomping on the map guzzle a bunch of resources when there is nothing to spend on science, culture and the mood of the population, but having come to distant lands, this horde lined up, pulled bowstrings, and there are a dozen rocket launchers and a detachment lasers.”

“Non-humans will never become human, no matter what masks they wear and no matter what pathetic and heroic things they tell about themselves. Much to our regret, and also to our misfortune, we live next door to a world of moral freaks and murderers.”

“Real circus! They arrived, scared everyone and everything, traded food and diesel fuel, tried our local moonshine, well, they littered, of course, not without it, but what do you want, so many men without families came to us in large numbers, and then they will leave together for their Saratov, Siberia and the Far East. They will share their impressions of this whole circus and treat their friends with Belarusian moonshine. The main thing is not to panic, they will leave the way they arrived.”

“They were driven here from all over Russia. They are demoralized, they drink, they are not eager to fight because they don’t really understand why. And no one asks them whether they want it or not. And you don't need to be a professor or something to understand that Europe is on the verge of a grandiose conflict and Belarus is in the very epicenter. Abrupt changes are coming, and the main thing for all of us is to survive them,” write the readers of the website Charter97.org.

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