27 July 2024, Saturday, 18:19
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"European Belarus": We Demand Immediate Withdrawal Of Russian Troops

"European Belarus": We Demand Immediate Withdrawal Of Russian Troops

We need new sanctions against the Lukashenka regime.

The European Belarus civil campaign strongly condemns Russia's unilateral recognition of the self-proclaimed "republics" in eastern Ukraine.

This dangerous move by the Russian leadership is a violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Moreover, this decision increases tensions in our region and undermines international peace and security.

Moscow's subsequent decision on the possibility of using Russian troops outside Russia demonstrates that the Russian leadership is not just not considering de-escalation, but is planning to continue military actions in Europe.

The recognition of the self-proclaimed republics means a new round of intervention in Ukraine. A dangerous element of this intervention is the presence of an unprecedented number of Russian Federation troops on the territory of Belarus.

This presence under the pretext of conducting military exercises was initially illegal, as it was decided by the illegitimate authorities, and from February 21, after the officially announced end date of the "manoeuvres", it should be qualified as an illegal occupation of the territory of a sovereign country by the troops of a foreign state.

In view of the above, European Belarus

- demands the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops and armaments from the territory of Belarus;

- calls upon the international community to take the most decisive measures and sanctions in order to prevent a large-scale war in Europe and stop the criminal actions of the Kremlin and the Lukashenka regime;

- declares that the actions of dictator Lukashenka, who contributes to increasing tensions in the region, are contrary to the national interests of Belarus and represent a betrayal of the Belarusian people;

- considers that the main cause of the growing instability and tension in the region, in Europe and in the world is the existence of authoritarian and dictatorial regimes that are deliberately provoking armed conflicts and deliberately undermining international peace and security

- declares unconditional support for the people and government of Ukraine in their fight against Russian aggression and for the independence and territorial integrity of their country.

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