27 July 2024, Saturday, 18:16
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Charter 97!

Natallia Radzina: It's Necessary To Think About A Real Resistance Strategy Under Occupation

Natallia Radzina: It's Necessary To Think About A Real Resistance Strategy Under Occupation

There are no more illusions!

The editor-in-chief of the Charter97.org website, Natallia Radzina, expressed the opinion on Facebook that it is time for Belarusians to take the initiative:

— This morning, even the most distrustful got rid of illusions. We have already lost too much time, hoping for a miracle, for soap bubbles. All of this is not suitable for anything, as time has shown. As a result, our country was turned into a concentration camp and an aggressor.

In this situation, only we, each of us, can take responsibility for our freedom and independence. Only a clear and distinct understanding that Lukashenka and Putin are equally our enemies, who have no right to decide our destinies, and only the readiness to defend ourselves and our independence should be the answer to the imminent threat to Ukraine, to us, to Europe and to the world.

The time for fake plans has passed, it's necessary to think about a real resistance strategy under occupation.

Glory to Ukraine! Long live Belarus!

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