27 July 2024, Saturday, 18:20
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The Cyber Partisans Hacked The Belarusian Railway's Data-Processing Network

The Cyber Partisans Hacked The Belarusian Railway's Data-Processing Network

It will be disabled until the Russian troops leave the territory of Belarus.

The Cyber Partisans said they hacked Belarusian Railway's data-processing network.

— The Pekla cybercampaign continues.

Purpose of attack - to disrupt the deployment of the occupation forces and to give to Ukrainians more time to repel the attack. Now the Belarusian Railway's data-processing network is in a state of collapse. The railway switches to manual control mode, which will significantly slow down the movement of trains, but will NOT create emergencies.

At the moment, the web pages pass.rw.by, portal.rw.by, rw.by also do not work.

The internal network will be disabled until the Russian troops leave the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the participation of the military forces of Belarus in the fascist aggression stops.

Soon Lukashenka, as an obedient puppet of the Kremlin, will send the military into a battle with the Ukrainians. Refuse to follow criminal orders and join volunteer units as soon as you cross the border with Ukraine. Together we will win!

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