27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:52
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US Imposes Sanctions Against 100 Henchmen Of Belarusian Regime

US Imposes Sanctions Against 100 Henchmen Of Belarusian Regime

The people of the US stand with the people of Belarus.

The US imposes visa restrictions on 100 officials of the Lukashenka regime. This was stated by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

“On the second anniversary of the presidential election in Belarus, we commend the Belarusian people who showed up in record numbers to cast their ballots, exercise their rights, and determine their own future. When it was clear the election had been stolen by the Lukashenka regime, the Belarusian people bravely took to the streets, with reports of hundreds of thousands of people amassing to peacefully demand free and fair elections and a democratic transition. The Belarusian people have demonstrated remarkable resilience in sustaining the pro-democracy movement for two years at great personal sacrifice. These calls for democracy are voiced by Belarusians exiled abroad, over 1,200 political prisoners unjustly detained inside the country, and countless ordinary Belarusian citizens,” he said.

In response to Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s abuses and in support of the Belarusian people, the US has taken numerous steps in the past two years, including deploying significant sanctions against the Belarusian regime for its undemocratic and destabilizing behavior, noted the head of US diplomacy.

“Today we are announcing steps to impose visa restrictions on 100 regime officials and their affiliates for their involvement in undermining or injuring democratic institutions or impeding the transition to democracy in Belarus,” Blinken added.

According to him, the sanctions list includes those holding high-ranking positions in the Administration of the President, Ministry of Interior, State Security Committee (KGB), the Central Election Commission, the Prosecutor General’s Office, Central Office of the Investigative Committee, Ministry of Transport and Communication, Main Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime and Corruption (GUBOPiK), the National State TV and Radio Company “Belteleradio,” the Second National Television Station, the military, members of Parliament, and others. Overall, the State Department has already taken steps to impose visa restrictions on 297 Belarusian individuals.

In addition, Blinken announced the expanding of sanctions with regard to Mikalai Karpiankou and Dzmitry Balaba. Visa restrictions have been imposed on Karpiankou’s wife Iryna and son Ihar, as well as on Balaba's wife Tatsiana and adult sons Artsiom and Maksim.

“The United States stands with the people of Belarus as they pursue a democratic, sovereign, and prosperous future. We will continue to promote accountability for the Lukashenka regime’s human rights abuses and support international efforts to document abuses and hold perpetrators to account,” Blinken summed up.

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