26 July 2024, Friday, 16:21
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Massacre Awaits Russian Military In Izyum

Massacre Awaits Russian Military In Izyum

The fall of the Russian base in the city will open a direct path for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to liberate the Luhansk region.

The Russian media and military correspondents are declaring a catastrophe for the Russian group in the Izyum region, having “missed” the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian journalist Roman Tsymbalyuk in his Telegram channel drew attention to the material in the Russian Readovka.

The publication posted a map that shows that Ukrainian troops on the eve of Tuesday, September 6, delivered simultaneously four impacts.

“Two days ago, all Russian propagandists reposted “There is no panic”, instead of warning about the danger for Russian soldiers, who were actually thrown to the slaughter in Balakliya. Now the main forces of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces, concentrated in the Izyum region, have very poor chances of surviving not only as a military unit, but in general to stay alive in the huge bloody massacre that is planned in Izyum,” Tsymbalyuk notes.

According to him, the fallen Izyum will open a direct path for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to liberate the Luhansk region, and also poses a threat to Russian troops in the Russian Federation. “Furthermore, it becomes very likely that a strike directly on Russia from the Kharkiv agglomeration, where a huge number of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is already concentrated: all-army units, the Territorial Defence, the National Guard, volunteer battalions, special operations forces, etc. And this is a two-hour drive from Belgorod! The withdrawal of Russian troops deep into Russian territory will increase the coverage area for Ukrainian artillery strikes on Russian territory. No panic! But it's time to start being afraid," the journalist stresses.

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