27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:54
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Military Expert: Russian Mobilization On Its Maximum

Military Expert: Russian Mobilization On Its Maximum

Despite the formal completion of the first mobilization wave, military commissariats are actively continuing to recruit new "mobics".

Russia did not announce a second mobilization wave but the mobilization is still ongoing. The Kremlin is receiving 100,000 new mobilized per month in its framework. Roman Svitan Ukrainian military expert and reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told this to TSN.

"It makes no sense for them to announce it in order to mobilize. It is going on, nobody stopped it. The recruitment of troops is taking place, they are recruiting and mobilizing contract servicemen through military commissariats. It will be beneficial for the Russians to announce mobilization and launch it in the information field only when the mobilization itself is perceived by Russian society and adds points to the military-political leadership. If this is perceived negatively, no one will announce it, but they will be doing it,” the military expert noted.

"The Russian mobilization machine has gained to it's maximum and gives out about 100,000 people per month like rifle units," the expert said.

Mr Svitan emphasized that this is the maximum regime and they will not be able to increase it.

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