27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:39
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British Intelligence: Russian Army Turns Down Armata Tanks Due To One Reason

British Intelligence: Russian Army Turns Down Armata Tanks Due To One Reason

The details revealing technical condition of the Russian military industry’s “newest design” have been published.

Russia has worked to prepare a small number of T-14 Armata main battle tanks for the type’s first operational deployment in Ukraine. However, the vehicles are unlikely to turn out combat-ready.

This has been reported by the British MoD on Twitter.

According to the data of the British Intelligence, in recent months, deployed Russian forces were reluctant to accept the first tranche of T-14 allocated to them, because the vehicles were in such poor condition.

“It is unclear exactly what aspects of the vehicles prompted this reaction, but, within the last three years, Russian officials have publicly described problems with the T-14’s engine and thermal imaging systems,” the message says.

In 2021, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu described the planned production run for 2022 as only an “experimental-industrial” batch.

“Therefore, it is unlikely that any deployed T-14 tanks will have met the usual standards for new equipment to be deemed operational,” stated in the message of the British MoD.

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