27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:22
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Russian Army’s Assault On Vuhledar Bogs Down

Russian Army’s  Assault On Vuhledar Bogs Down

The AFU stabilized the situation near the city.

During the last few days, the Vuhledar line has become the hottest spot on the front. The Russians sent large forces to storm the Ukrainian city, but achieved nothing.

The reserve officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who is known under the nickname Tatarigami_UA, spoke about the situation near Vuhledar on Twitter.

“Vuhledar is holding on. At the moment the situation is stabilized. Enemy attempts to gain a foothold near the city to develop the offensive were unsuccessful. Attempts to get around it and take control of the roads failed completely ... They lost the advantage that they could get in the first two days,” the military man said.

He clarified that the Russian troops were greatly demoralized by the huge losses, which in some units amounted to 80-90%.

“Reinforcements are coming. We'll see in the coming days if they can throw them in for another big assault. We know that they are trying to return the wounded to the front literally two days after the wound occurs,” the officer shared the information.

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