27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:25
the website
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Charter 97!

‘Kadyrovites Attacked, Shouting ‘Putin Is Nobody!’

‘Kadyrovites Attacked, Shouting ‘Putin Is Nobody!’

The details of the attack on the Russian propagandist in Melitopol have been revealed.

As the Charter97.org website reported earlier, in the occupied Melitopol, Deputy Commander of SOBR “Akhmat” Khasan Ibragimov and his guards beat cameraman Artyom Epifanov and raped propagandist of the NTV channel Olga Zenkova.

Dialog.ua has published new details of the incident.

The incident occurred two weeks ago, but information about it began to appear bit by bit only now.

A driver-cameraman and a female propagandist from NTV arrived in the captured part of the Zaporizhzhia region to shoot another story about the battles on this sector of the front.

They decided to spend their evening at a local restaurant, where they were approached by fighters from the Akhmat battalion. After a small incident, the NTV operator was beaten, and the propagandist was raped.

Eyewitnesses of the incident say that Kadyrov's nephew, deputy commander of SOBR “Akhmat” Khasan Ibragimov and his guards were involved in the attack. Now they are trying to hush up this case at the highest level.

About a month ago, Ibragimov was detained in the annexed Crimea for a similar case, which could not be covered up, as the attack was caught on surveillance cameras.

The Ukraine 365 Telegram channel reports with a reference to the publics of Melitopol, eight “Kadyrovites” and the nephew of the head of Chechnya participated in the rape of the propagandist.

Already after the “incident”, the propagandist allegedly shouted at the offenders and threatened that she would complain to Putin, which only aroused ridicule from the rapists who attacked her shouting “Putin is nobody!”

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