27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:37
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Minsk Lawyer Was Sentenced To One Year In Prison For Participating In Three Marches

Minsk Lawyer Was Sentenced To One Year In Prison For Participating In Three Marches

Judge Dzmitry Karsiuk issued the verdict.

28-year-old lawyer Yauhen Papakul was sentenced to one year in a penal colony. The verdict was announced on January 24, 2023 by Dzmitry Karsiuk in the court of the Central District of the city of Minsk, according to human rights activists.

The political prisoner was found guilty under Part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code for participating in three Marches in August-October 2020. He was charged with the fact that he "repeatedly went out onto the roadway and did not heed the demands of the policemen to stop participating in peaceful meetings" in court.

The Minsktrans filed a claim for compensation for material damage in the amount of more than BYR 47.700, which will be considered within the framework of civil proceedings.

Mr Papakul was detained in August 2022.

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