Security Zone With Special Legal Regime Established Around BelNPP
5- 17.10.2023, 10:42
- 8,408

On what it means.
The government has established a safety zone with a special legal regime around BelNPP. This is stipulated by the government decree, which was officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal on October 17, writes Similar measures have been taken for the Joint Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research - Sosny.
The regulation on the zone stipulates that the operating organisation must take measures to "improve anti-terrorist security" together with the local KGB department, police, and a unit of internal troops to protect the station. Security authorities will check the legality of entry, stay and movement in the designated area. The zone itself is to be marked with special signs.

It is forbidden to stay within its boundaries without documents, as well as to remove the BelNPP security guards, special cargoes with nuclear material, physical protection infrastructure facilities of the operating organisation without permission. It is also forbidden to hold mass events, to leave cars, to carry firearms and pyrotechnics, to grow tall (over 100 cm) crops, to fish and hunt, to dig trenches (the territory of the zone is not allowed to be used for equipping with "fortification structures". - Editor's note), install photo traps.
The security authorities have the right to check documents within the zone, conduct personal searches of citizens and transport. They can also detain citizens for up to three hours in case of unauthorised entry or attempted entry into the security zone.
Foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing outside Belarus can enter the zone only on the basis of a written application no later than 45 days before the visit. Applicants will be subject to a check. They may be denied entry if there is information "about the possibility of causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus by the individuals".
Residents of Belarus must carry a passport, either a residence permit or ID card, as well as a service licence, driving licence or military ID card. Permanent and temporary entry passes are stipulated for station employees and contractors.
Rescuers will be able to enter the zone without permits - to deal with fires and other emergencies.
"If an individual is found in the security zone without legal grounds, authorised security officials have the right to take measures to remove him or her from the security zone," the regulation says.
As you can see in the image from the document, the zone includes the villages of Aveny, Shulniki, Navadrozhki, Valeikuny and Hrodzi. The regulation imposes restrictions on economic and other activities in the security zone. They may be carried out with the permission of the local authorities. At the same time, any activity that interferes with the protection of the NPP is prohibited.
Similar measures have been taken for the Joint Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research - Sosny near Minsk. Settlements were not included in the protection zone there.

The same resolution of the Council of Ministers also approved the regulation on coordinating the borders of the "sanitary protection zone, observation zone of a nuclear facility and (or) storage point, disposal point and requirements for their protection and use".