27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:22
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Action Of Solidarity With Andrzej Poczobut Held In Białystok

Action Of Solidarity With Andrzej Poczobut Held In Białystok

People expressed their support for Belarusian political prisoners near the monument to the legendary Jerzy Popieluszko.

In Bialystok, near the monument to Jerzy Popieluszko, another rally of solidarity with journalist Andrzej Poczobut and other political prisoners in Belarus was held, Radio Racyja reports.

Words of support were voiced not only to the politically imprisoned journalist, but also to the Belarusian priest Genrikh Akalatovich.

This week it became known that the priest was detained by the law-enforcers: he faces up to 15 years in prison for “treason.”

A lawyer is not allowed to see the priest; there is also no information about the conditions in which the priest is being held.

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